Friday, December 20, 2019

Some saw Him and said..

Some saw Him and said, "He is the promised one.."
Others saw Him and said, "He is the cursed one.."

Some saw Him and said, "He is the wisest of all men.."
Others saw Him and said, "He is just a mad man.."

Some saw Him and said, "He is one of the prophets.."
Others saw Him and said, "He is a blasphemer and a breaker of the Sabbath."

Some saw Him and said, "He is the Son of God."
Others saw Him and said, "He can's save Himself, yet alone others.."

Some saw Him and said, "Does anything good come from Nazareth?"
Others saw Him and said, "Lord, just say a word and it will be done."

Some saw Him and said, "Is this not the carpenter's son?"
Others saw Him and said, "Blessed is the womb that carried Him."

Some saw Him and said, "He is the blessed One.."
Others saw Him and said, "Cursed is anyone who is hanged on a tree!"

Some saw Him and said, "He is the Healer and has authority from God"
Others saw Him and said, "He is possessed and casts out demons by Beelzebub.."

Some saw Him and said, "He is the perfect lamb.."
Others saw Him and said, "He is just a Galilean"

Some saw Him and said, "He is the Messiah.."
Others saw Him and said, "Crucify him!"

Some saw Him and said, "Lord remember us on your second return."
Others saw Him and said, "Be gone, and come back no more.."

Some saw Him and said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do.."
Others saw Him and said, "Whoever kills him, does God a favour.."

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