Saturday, August 14, 2021

In the eyes of many men; you did not deserve the dignity of the papacy having received the lowest number of votes. But in the eyes of God, you were the chosen one, the beloved of generations past and to come. In the eyes of many men, you were considered ignorant at best, and at worst, a sorcerer and charlatan. But in the eyes of God, you were the living Gospel and the ambassador of His power and strength among a weak generation. In the eyes of many men, you wasted your time in repetitive praises, empty liturgical rites, and desert escapism. But in the eyes of God, you knew how to secretly and quietly procure divine grace from all its hidden sources. In the eyes of many men, you lacked the human capacity for planning, organising, and managing the Church's affairs. But in the eyes of God, by your limitless humility, you provoked Him to act on your behalf, accomplishing what was impossible by mere human effort. In the eyes of many men, you relied on superstitious invocations of saints and angels as a deflection of your own insufficiency. But in the eyes of God, you were the beloved of those in Heaven, and they eagerly supported and defended their friend. In the eyes of many men, you mumbled repetitious prayers from ancient texts and anointed with oil the sick who were desperate for more modern solutions. But in the eyes of God, your prayers called down fire from heaven, healing the body and the soul, changing hearts, and inflaming a hopeless generation with zeal and love for God and His Church. In the eyes of many men, you died like all men die, confirming the vanity and futility of earthly life. But in the eyes of God, your death was the moment of a new, truer, and more potent life, an eternal partnership with Him Who makes all things new. Amen... (Tribute to St. Pope Kyrillos VI).

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