Saturday, August 7, 2021

THE 21ST CENTURY CHURCH - It was said that Christ came in disguise as a poor man and went preaching to a particular Catholic church. After listening to him, they rejected his teachings and said to him, "We don’t need you, we have the saints to teach us". So, they threw him out and closed the door of the church. Then Saint Paul went in disguise to an Orthodox church and he too began preaching about the need to repent and warned them about Christ’s second return. Not heeding his word, they too threw him out and said, “We don’t need you, we have Christ to save us!” Then both Christ and Saint Paul dressed as two beggars and went to a particular protestant church. After spending hours preaching and trying to convince them of the truth, they too said “We don’t need your preaching, we have the bible to teach us”. So indeed they threw both out and closed the door of the church...


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