Monday, December 27, 2021

A VALUABLE LESSON... It was said that a young man once asked the elder of a monastery about how to live as a true Christian. So the elder said to him, "Son, I want you to rise up before sunrise tomorrow morning and visit the nearby graveyard. Once you're there, I want you to say the most flattering words to all those who are there and tell me what they reply to you..." So the man indeed rose up very early in the morning and visited the nearby graveyard. Once he was there, he flattered those around him with the most eloquent descriptions. He did this until sunset. To his shocking surprise however, no one replied anything back to him. So he went back in disappointment to the elder and said, "Father, I did everything you asked me to do but no one said anything back to me..." The elder said, "Don't worry son, go again tomorrow morning. This time I want you to say the most degrading statements and see what they reply to you..." So the young man indeed, took himself early in the morning before sunrise and went to the graveyard. He insulted those around him with the most offensive statements. He did this until sunset. To his utter disappointment however, no one replied anything back to him. So he went back to the elder and said, "Father, I did everything you asked me to do but again no one said anything back to me. So what's the point of all that I did?" The elder replied, "Son, you asked me what it was like to live as a true Christian and I was showing you this. You have to be like those who are dead. Meaning, you are not flattered when others praise you, nor are you petrified by their down-statements..."

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